Foliar Application of Iron Fortified Bacteriosiderophore Improves Growth and Grain Fe Concentration in Wheat and Soybean: Supplementary Data

Iron deficiency poses a significant challenge to crop production, impacting both plant growth and human nutrition. This study explores the potential of foliar application of iron-fortified bacteriosiderophore to enhance the growth and grain iron concentration in wheat and soybean crops. Various bacterial strains with diverse siderophore-producing capabilities were evaluated, revealing a range of siderophore production levels among the tested strains. Clustering analysis identified three distinct clusters of bacterial strains based on their siderophore production. The influence of foliar application of bacteriosiderophore, both with and without additional iron enrichment, on soybean and wheat crops was assessed. Results demonstrated significant improvements in various growth and yield parameters in both crops as a result of this treatment. In soybean, bacteriosiderophore application increased total leaf area, shoot biomass, pod number, total seed weight, and test weight. Similarly, in wheat, it led to enhancements in flag leaf area, total chlorophyll content, total seed weight, and test weight.