Training Report :Training for Fertilizer Quality Inspectors on Fertilizer Quality Assessments in Markets of Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Nigeria

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As part of the FQA studies scheduled for Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Nigeria, inspectors will receive training. The goal of this program is to increase the inspectors' capacity to monitor the fertilizer quality in their particular nations. More precisely, it aims to improve inspectors' understanding of the following: How to conduct inspections and how to collect fertilizer samples from randomly chosen agrodealers. Instruments and tools for evaluating fertilizer quality and inspection. The KoboCollect application will be utilized to gather and publish survey data regarding the quality of fertilizer during inspections. The four fertilizer samples that were collected will be transferred to the laboratory, and the wrap-up meeting of the fertilizer inspection teams will be among the post-training activities that will immediately utilize the knowledge acquired from the training. Furthermore, the framework of this course will enable attendees to arrange a consultation session to plan field trips after the course. Three Individuals Fifty-eight (58) inspectors and supervisors from the General Directorate of Crop Production (DGPV) in Burkina Faso, the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD) in Ghana, and the Farm Inputs Support Services (FISS) Department in Nigeria were brought together for the training. These inspectors and supervisors were chosen from the various bodies in charge of fertilizer quality control in the selected countries. The technical team of the IFDC and EnGRAIS project, which included two sub-regional coordinators with experience in plant nutrition and agrobusiness, a fertilizer quality (FQ) specialist and statistician, and a FQ regulation specialist, conducted the training.