1966 Survey of Continuous Ammoniator-Granulator

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This document summarizes the content of material presenting the results of a 1966 survey conducted on the continuous ammoniator-granulator used in the fertilizer industry. The study aimed to determine changes in ammoniator-granulator practices over the past five years. Questionnaires were sent to 142 companies, and replies from 57 companies concerning 122 ammoniator-granulators were received. The survey highlights several key trends, including an increase in the size of ammoniator-granulators and a shift toward producing different fertilizer grades, such as ammonium phosphates and granular superphosphates. The report provides detailed data on the grades and ratios produced by ammoniator-granulators and information on equipment specifications, construction materials, and granulation control methods. The findings offer valuable insights for operators using continuous ammoniator-granulators in the fertilizer industry, allowing them to assess their operations compared to industry trends and practices.
Fertilizer industry, Ammonium phosphate