IFDC Report, Volume 2, No. 1

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This report provides an overview of various topics related to the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) and its work in the Philippines. The report discusses the Philippines' contribution to IFDC's core budgets, highlighting their support for agricultural development. The publication also acknowledges the efforts of IFDC's Board of Directors and staff, expressing gratitude for the support received. Additionally, it mentions IFDC's designation as a public international organization and the privileges and immunities associated with this status. In obtaining this status, it recognizes the collaborative efforts between IFDC, the U.S. Government, and the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The publication provides profiles of new board members of IFDC, including their backgrounds and expertise in fields such as industrial chemistry, agricultural research, and soil fertility. Furthermore, it outlines IFDC's research focus on fertilizer policies and economic development, adoption and demand analysis, and fertilizer technology. It emphasizes the importance of understanding constraints to fertilizer use, evaluating policy effectiveness, and stimulating adoption and demand in developing countries. The report mentions IFDC's engineering research facility and its role in transferring fertilizer process technology from the laboratory to commercial plants worldwide. It highlights the availability of IFDC's World Fertilizer Information System, which assists plant investment analysis. Several examples of IFDC's technical assistance projects are highlighted, such as using bulk-blending machinery in Colombia and converting a urea fertilizer plant to granular urea production in Indonesia. Lastly, the report highlights IFDC's involvement in seminars on organizational development, focusing on improving coordination, communication, and human resource management in the fertilizer industry.
Research, Fertilizers