IFDC Report, Volume 10, No. 1
This report highlights the advancements in developing the PHILPHOS beneficiation plant, which aims to utilize indigenous phosphate ore for fertilizer production in the Philippines. The project, initiated in 1981, addresses challenges related to the high magnesium, iron, and aluminium content of the Bantigue phosphate rock, which hinders its use in phosphoric acid production. Through extensive laboratory tests and pilot-scale attrition scrubbing, the quality of the Bantigue rock has been improved, resulting in a concentrate that meets commercial standards. Additionally, tests were conducted to determine the compatibility of the beneficiated Bantigue rock with commercial concentrates for phosphoric acid production. The findings provided the basis for PHILPHOS' decision to establish a large-scale production facility using manual sorting, scrubbing, and desliming. With readily available equipment and a simple process developed by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), the PHILPHOS beneficiation plant is set to achieve a rapid startup with minimal capital investment.
Biological nitrogen fixation, Food production, Developing countries, Nutrient deficiencies