IFDC Report, Volume 16, No. 4

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This report discusses the participation of the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) in a study sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on agricultural inputs in Albania. The study focused on the production, distribution, and marketing of fertilizer and other critical agricultural inputs following the breakup of cooperative farms and the redistribution of land to individual farmers. The report highlights the collapse of the planned system for supplying agricultural inputs to state farms and cooperatives, particularly in the case of fertilizers. It emphasizes the urgent need for establishing fertilizer marketing, distribution, and credit systems to support small farmers. The report also underscores the critical role of fertilizer in restoring and maintaining agricultural output in Albania. The recommendations include launching a major fertilizer marketing and distribution effort, conducting technical and economic appraisals of fertilizer factories, and providing cost-effective production and pollution reduction assistance. The publication also briefly mentions other IFDC developments, such as collaborative arrangements with international agricultural research centers, donor meetings, and opportunities in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Agricultural Inputs, Briquettes