IFDC Report, Volume 19, No. 2
This report highlights the proceedings of the IFDC-Africa's Resource Mobilization Meeting held in Lome, Togo, on April 7-8, 1994. The meeting was organized in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Netherlands Ministry of International Cooperation (DGIS) to address the severity of Africa's agricultural crisis and garner support for sustainable agricultural production and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. His Excellency, General Olusegun Obasanjo, the Former Nigerian Head of State, delivered the keynote address, emphasizing the importance of consistent government policies and recognizing farmers as crucial stakeholders in the agricultural chain. General Obasanjo stressed the need for collaboration between agencies fighting for increased food production and population control to achieve lasting victories against hunger. Representatives from UNDP and IFDC highlighted the urgency for Africa to take responsibility for feeding its people, emphasizing the noble mission of IFDC-Africa in promoting food security and alleviating rural poverty. The report also mentions the appointment of Dr Kunio Takase, an Executive Director of the International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ), to the IFDC Board of Directors and the visit of Bangladesh officials to IFDC Headquarters to learn about IFDC's programs and the impact of its fertilizer distribution improvement project. Furthermore, the report includes information on the collaboration between IFDC and Bangladesh in conducting environmental assessments of fertilizer factories and observing U.S. environmental regulations. It also mentions the training program conducted by IFDC for the marketing team of Petroquimica de Venezuela, S.A. (PEQUIVEN), aimed at improving their competitive edge in the evolving fertilizer market. The report concludes with the participation of IFDC's President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr Amit H. Roy, in meetings and conferences related to international fertilizer industry development, including discussions on the Russian fertilizer situation and identifying potential donors.
Sustainable agriculture, Food security, Climate change, Population growth