IFDC Report, Volume 37, No. 3

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The U.S. Agency for International Development's West Africa Fertilizer Program (USAID WAFP) aims to enhance food security, alleviate poverty, and reduce hunger in West Africa. The program focuses on reducing fertilizer costs, improving accessibility, and increasing fertilizer use efficiency by smallholder farmers. Implemented by IFDC in collaboration with the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), the program targets the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. It prioritizes the countries of Ghana, Liberia, Mali, and Senegal. The program strives to increase regional fertilizer availability by improving supply chains, enhancing market transactions, and developing favourable policy frameworks. It also aims to strengthen public-private partnerships, establish quality standards, and promote environmentally sustainable practices. By leveraging partnerships, offering technical assistance, and providing financial support, the program seeks to transition smallholder farmers from subsistence to commercial agriculture. Adopting Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) and Fertilizer Deep Placement (FDP) technologies aims to increase maize and rice yields by at least 65% for participating farmers. Additionally, efforts will be made to improve market information systems, establish stakeholders' forums, and facilitate the formation of a private sector-led West Africa Fertilizer Trade Association. The program will support the establishment of blending facilities and warehouses and provide credit guarantees to stimulate private-sector investments in the fertilizer supply chain. The program aims to increase fertilizer demand, improve market conditions, and contribute to agricultural productivity, poverty reduction, and rural income growth in West Africa through these interventions.
Value chains, Gender Equity