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- ItemAfrica Fertilizer ;Actu Engrais -Juliet 2024(2024)L'édition de juillet 2024 de FertiNews fournit une mise à jour complète sur le marché africain des engrais, détaillant les informations issues des réunions 2024 du groupe de travail technique sur les engrais (FTWG) d'AfricaFertilizer. Ces réunions, qui incluent des parties prenantes de 18 pays africains, se concentrent sur l'analyse et la validation des statistiques nationales sur les engrais à partir de 2023. Les données collectées sont cruciales pour éclairer les décisions commerciales et politiques. Le rapport met en évidence la collaboration d'AfricaFertilizer avec divers partenaires pour améliorer la disponibilité et la qualité des données sur les engrais, contribuant ainsi à une meilleure planification stratégique et à la sécurité alimentaire. Il fournit également un examen détaillé des tendances du marché national des engrais, des fluctuations de prix et des problèmes d'approvisionnement en Afrique de l'Ouest et de l'Est/australe. Les prix du marché international des engrais et les développements critiques, tels que les nouveaux partenariats et les avancées technologiques, sont également abordés. La newsletter souligne l'importance d'une prise de décision fondée sur les données pour répondre aux besoins agricoles du continent et favoriser le développement durable.
- ItemAfricaFertilizer; FertiNews-July 2024(2024)The July 2024 edition of FertiNews provides an extensive update on the African fertilizer market, detailing insights from AfricaFertilizer's 2024 Fertilizer Technical Working Group (FTWG) meetings. These meetings, which include stakeholders from 18 African countries, focus on analyzing and validating national fertilizer statistics from 2023. The data collected is crucial for informing business and policy decisions. The report highlights AfricaFertilizer's collaboration with various partners to enhance the availability and quality of fertilizer data, contributing to better strategic planning and food security. It also provides a detailed review of national fertilizer market trends, price fluctuations, and supply issues in West and East/Southern Africa. International fertilizer market prices and critical developments, such as new partnerships and technological advancements, are also discussed. The newsletter emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making in addressing the continent's agricultural needs and fostering sustainable development.
- ItemFERARI Quarterly Newsletter-March 2024(2024)In 2024, IFDC marks its 50th anniversary with open-door events. In Ghana, FERARI's team contributed to the success of the open-door event by showcasing what the project has done over the years. The program coordinator, Atakora, starts by introducing FERARI's goals. An interactive discussion on the role of partnerships in soil was led by Adzawla. He insisted on the need to aggressively address soil restoration. FERARI partners also emphasized the need for solidarity to improve fertilizer experimental research design. The newsletter also highlights the FERARI stakeholders workshop. It was a two-day event that was held in Morocco to update stakeholders on the four-year achievement of the project. In the workshop, FERARI's achievements were celebrated, and support was promised for the second phase of the program. Currently, a proposal for the second phase is being developed.
- ItemThe Effect of Fertilizer Combinations on Growth, Yield and Economics of Potato Production(2020)Despite potatoes being an important crop that contributes to food security and is a source of income for smallholder farmers, their yields remain low. Factors that contribute to low yields are poor soil fertility and low adoption of technology. PNSP aims to address these challenges. AS research conducted in the first season of 2021 aimed to tackle the challenges in soil fertility by using various fertilizer combinations to improve yields and increase the economic benefits for farmers. The objective of the research is to analyze growth and yield responses to different NPK fertilizer combinations and to evaluate the economic performance of potato production. Farmers trained by the PNSP program gave their potato fields as study sites. Twelve sites in Mbale, Kapchorwa, and Kween districts were verified, and soil samples were collected and analyzed to determine soil fertility and health. Different blends of micronutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and boron and zinc—were applied. Topdressing, harvesting, and data collection were done. NPK applications at a rate of 120 kg/ha recorded high growth and gave the maximum financial return.
- ItemHortiNigeria Newsletter- Vol 001(2022)HortiNigeria recently completed its inception phase, marking a significant step in its mission to transform Nigeria’s horticulture sector. Over the past eight months, the program has achieved several milestones aimed at boosting productivity and income through eco-efficient production practices and promoting climate-smart actions and innovative technologies among entrepreneurial farmers, particularly women and youth. Key accomplishments include registering over 8,000 farmers, training more than 7,000 farmers in Kaduna and Kano states, establishing 20 institutional partnerships, identifying 20 innovative technologies for piloting in Ogun and Oyo states, and brokering five business-to-business linkages to enhance market accessibility. Additionally, HortiNigeria has engaged in various activities to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through networking, build agri-business clusters, and foster public and private sector dialogue to resuscitate policy platforms. The program’s success underscores the importance of collaboration and networking in achieving sustainable agricultural development and economic growth.