IFDC Report, Volume 18, No. 1

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This report summarizes the assistance the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) provided to the Government of Egypt in policy reform and dealer training. The report showcases the expertise and professionalism of the IFDC team, which conducted thorough technical, organizational, and systemic analyses of the impact of policy reforms related to fertilizer production, marketing, and usage. The recommendations in the report result from meticulous research, field investigations, and careful consideration of the obtained data. The IFDC team, comprising Ian Gregory, Dr Loren E. Ahlrichs, and Dr S. S. Sidhu, collaborated with Dr Lyle E. Brenneman, a Cooperative Business Consultant, and four Egyptian consultants during their visit to Egypt from January to April 1993. The team's primary objectives were to assess the impact of enacted policy changes on various sectors, such as the farm sector, fertilizer production companies, Principal Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit (PBDAC), and the private sector. Additionally, they aimed to identify further policy changes necessary for fostering an open and competitive market for fertilizers and pesticides. The report details the team's economic analysis, which compared the pre-reform period (1979-1985) with the reform period (1985-1991) using secondary data. It also examines the effects of policy changes on fertilizer distribution in the private and cooperative sectors. The current fertilizer and pesticide marketing system is evaluated based on field visits and production factory assessments conducted in January and February 1993. Furthermore, the report outlines the future development and additional policy changes required to establish an open and competitive market system. The recommendations put forth by the policy team primarily focus on ex-factory pricing principles and promoting greater competition in fertilizer distribution. The Egyptian fertilizer market has undergone privatization since July 1991, allowing the private and cooperative sectors to purchase directly from factories and import fertilizers. The report emphasizes the importance of continued policy reforms to ensure the sustained development of an open and competitive market.
Agricultural productivity, Fertilizers