Feed the Future Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer Project Final Project Report

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The Feed the Future Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) Project was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Ghana Mission (USAID/Ghana) to increase the competitiveness of rice, maize, and soybean value chains to foster broad-based and sustained economic growth through the increased availability of agricultural technologies in northern Ghana. The project focused on the Ghana Feed the Future intervention zone, which covers the three northern regions of Ghana (Northern, Upper West, and Upper East), and addressed technology constraints in Ghana’s FTF target crops of rice, maize, and soybean. IFDC was the lead implementer, with technical support provided through Iowa State University (ISU) and the Center for Development Innovation through the University of Wageningen, as well as local organizations and public and private sector institutions in Ghana. Research institutions and departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and other offices within the Government of Ghana also played an important role in project implementation. The project supported various stakeholders including producers, agro-input dealers, agricultural marketing enterprises, farm service providers, industrial food and feed processors, private sector actors involved in seed and fertilizer production and distribution, research institutions/laboratories, and government and regulatory bodies responsible for creating and maintaining an enabling environment for a dynamic agricultural sector. ATT interventions were organized around the following three intermediate results that fed into the overall projects goal of a more competitive rice, maize, and soybean value chain in northern Ghana: • IR 1: Increased private sector actors’ role and capacity in developing and disseminating improved technologies • IR 2: Increased efficiency and transparency of government functions to support seed, fertilizer, and ISFM technology development, release, and dissemination • IR 3: Increased efficiency of targeted agricultural research to develop, release, and communicate technologies that support sustainable agricultural productivity This report presents the results achieved since the inception of the project. Results are briefly discussed in the following pages and presented in more detail throughout the document. Major activities are organized by topic: Soil, Seed, Water, Research, ICT, and Cross-Cutting Issues (including Gender). A section on Lessons Learned and the Way Forward concludes the report.
Technology, Agribusiness, Productivity, Value chains