Introduction to the 4RS Webinars Report
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These webinars' main goal is to familiarize the technical staff of the fertilizer sector in West Africa with the 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship concept. The webinar sessions aimed to specifically:
Give the private fertilizer sector the necessary tools to educate farmers on optimal fertilizer management methods based on the 4Rs.
Introduce the 4Rs of nutrient stewardship to the participants (right source, right rate, right time, and right place).
Describe how adopting good agronomic practices (GAPs) can improve social, economic, and environmental benefits. This includes the role that the 4Rs principles play in this regard.
Offer resources to make it easier for producers to apply the 4Rs and GAPs. Encourage experience sharing on better fertilizer management and recommendations in the area with stakeholders in the fertilizer sector. Additionally, these meetings aimed to enhance the current cooperation between IFDC and APNI and to lay the groundwork for the creation of a more extensive program on crop and nutrient best management practices in the future between APNI and IFDC. There were about 150 attendees for the two webinars. There were one hundred people in the English session, and the following day, roughly fifty people attended the French session. The majority of attendees were from local private fertilizer businesses, but there were also representatives from agricultural extension groups and the public sector, including ministries of agriculture. In addition, representatives from WAFA, IFDC, and APNI were there to lead the discussions and offer technical assistance.