Effect of Waterlogging Duration on Teff [Eragrostis Tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Yield and Nutrient Uptake
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Teff is considered tolerant to seasonal waterlogging. However, studies on the duration of waterlogging and its effects on yield and nutrient uptake of teff have not been conducted. A greenhouse study was conducted to investigate the impact of different waterlogging durations on growth, yield, and nutrient uptake of teff. Teff was subjected to waterlogging for 0 (control), 20, 40, and 60 days after transplanting (DAT) and for the entire growth period. The results showed that teff can tolerate waterlogging for the entire growth period without significant grain yield loss as long as there is sufficient nutrition. Grain yield for 20 DAT, 40 DAT, and the entire growth period treatments was lower than the control and 60 DAT showed an increase. Straw dry weight in the 40 DAT and entire growth period treatments was lower than the control, while that of the 20 DAT and 60 DAT treatments was higher. However, the differences in both straw and grain yields were not statistically significant among treatments. On the other hand, the treatment with waterlogging for the entire season had significantly greater root weight than the control treatment. Nutrient uptake data showed that N, P and K uptake reduced in grain and straw while their uptake increased in roots of teff as waterlogging duration increased. Application of the optimum amount of nutrients may contribute to the reduction in the detrimental effect of waterlogging on teff yield components. Understanding the regulation of root metabolism during waterlogging conditions, evaluating whether varietal differences in waterlogging tolerance exist, and identifying the physiological mechanisms that help teff tolerate waterlogging for longer durations need further study. The results will contribute to the prospects of developing improved germplasm for waterlogging tolerance. Validating the results under field conditions is recommended.
Belew, M. D., Singh, U., Fugice, J. Jr., Stewart, Z. P., & Nagarajan, L. (2023) Effect of Waterlogging Duration on Teff [Eragrostis Tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Yield and Nutrient Uptake [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2023am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/151923