West Africa Fertilizer Business Information Guide- 2023
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Over the past five years (2018-2023), the Feed the Future Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) project for West Africa, implemented by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), has been working with ECOWAS and other regional partners, including economic communities, to address issues affecting agricultural inputs, especially fertilizer, through:
• Strengthening a competitive and inclusive regional fertilizer market, led by the private sector, in partnership with the West African Fertilizer Association (WAFA).
• The development and dissemination of agricultural input packages, in cooperation with the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF).
• The improvement and harmonization of fertilizer policies and regulatory systems in West Africa.
The West Africa Fertilizer Business Information Guide (WAFBIG) provides an overview of the fertilizer business environment in West Africa to guide policy and business decision-making that aims to improve fertilizer supply, demand, access, and use to enable the region’s smallholder farmers to increase their yields and improve their livelihoods. This Guide is critical to regional fertilizer supply chain stakeholders, especially as the region prepares to provide the needed information to support ECOWAS make a region-specific contribution to the upcoming African Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit being planned by the African Union Commission. It is equally critical at a time fertilizer data and information are needed most to address agricultural/fertilizer-related issues that have the potential to impact the fertilizer sector in the region. This is the third edition of the Guide and includes updated information and statistics on the West Africa fertilizer markets, production and blending units, fertilizer logistics and costs, as well as the regulatory policy environment. Stakeholders are encouraged to use and disseminate this document extensively to make fertilizer statistics and information available to all regional actors