Agro-input packages for Nigeria
Jurisdiction: | Nigeria | |
Date of acession | 2024-07-23T09:30:41Z | |
Date of availability | 2024-07-23T09:30:41Z | |
Date of issue | 2022 | |
Abstract | The booklet is a synthesis of the most relevant technical information with some illustrations to guide the technicians in their dialogue with the producers so that, depending on his specific locality, the producer can produce efficiently through judicious choices of crops seed/ varieties, appropriate fertilizers, GAP’s and have a good technical instruction that will guide them to obtain optimal production. For this reason, the AIP booklet provides in formation on the Crop (varieties, varietal characteristics, local names, performance, and resistance to various constraints), Fertilizer (nutrient recommendations, type of fertiliz er, rates, periods, mode of application and appropriate organic fertilizer) , Crop Man agement ( tillage, water management, weed management, crop residue management, management of organic manure and organo-mineral amendments), and the Locality( regional AEZ, country AEZ, specific locations and many other relevant information). | |
URL | | |
Language | en | |
Subject | Good agricultural practices | |
Title | Agro-input packages for Nigeria |