Fertilizer Bulk Blending: Setting Up a Blending Operation; Selecting a Site

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After setting up a business plan when starting a bulk blending operation, organizations need to select a site. Organizations should consider whether a blending facility should be near a port or client/farm area. For near ports, advantages include shorter receiving times for imported materials, less need for storage, and fewer risks of multiple handlings of materials, thus lowering the cost of final blend products. On the other hand, selecting a firm as a site will lead to longer receiving times, increased storage needs, and a higher risk of multiple handlings, thus a high cost of blending. The disadvantages of a nearby port site are that it might not be profitable for small-scale bulk blending, might be expensive to set up due to extra port fees, is a high risk of corrosion and humidity issues, and might be far from consumers and farmers. Other aspects to consider are location, ease of accessibility, security, and competition. It is recommended that an organization hire qualified personnel to help with site selection, an expert in conducting a sound environmental impact assessment, and assess the source of direct and indirect labor.