The Drought Response of Lowland Rice to Crop Establishment Practices and N-Fertilizer Sources

Increasing drought nevostance sont nutrient availability to the plant in inportant for increasing ysells on raised low land rice. This study investigated the effects of crop establishment and commelled release telerson drought stress responses and strogen uptake of thee (Oryon sa Le P'SBR 14 grown on a clayey kisan Vestie Tropeapple-glot field experiment. The main plots were two wateteywelltered and vaghoressed for 20 days from pасе The subplos comprised of three crop establishment method is the sub-speilleuren was compared with Polyon 12 and POC-5120 Desighi pesolonged crop maturity by about 20 days and greatly reduced grais yield but not the total biomass and tal Nuptake Dry-seeded ice had a lower yield in the well-wared treatment higher yield in the stress compared with transplaned and wet seeded ice. The higher yield of dry seeded rice under sates could be related its significantly higher rock length density, higher ros-shoots and more uniform nov domibunun with respect te sed depth and higher available soil motore in the root zone during the stres period Under the well-watered condition, yields in all fertilites were comparable. In the stress tremen Polo 12 prosaces the lowest yield probably because of the monutch between used pilongation of crop duration and the release period of 12.
Controlled release fertilizers, Soil properties, Water stress, Rice
Tuong, T.P., E.G. Castillo, R.C. Cabangon,A. Boling and U. Singh. 2002. “The Drought Response of Lowland Rice to Crop Establishment Practices and N-Fertilizer Sources,” Field Crops Research 74: 243-257.