Promotion of Nutrition-Senstive Potato Value Chain East Africa-Uganda (PNSP) Annual Report 2020

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The project's objectives are; Objective 1: Increase productivity of 8,000 small-scale potato producers. The figure of 8,000 is expected to be reached and the adoption of 18/25 good agricultural practices (GAPs) is also realistic. The target of 10% of farmers accessing clean seed may not be met given the long-term nature of the currentinvestments that have been made. The project proposes a revised target of 5% of the farmers accessing clean seed potato by June 2022. Objective 2: Strengthen coordination in the potato value chain. This is still expectedto be reached despite delaysin development of the strategic plan of the Uganda Potato Platform (UPP) at the national level. If this is finalized in early 2021, then the seven actions are achievable. Objective 3: Improve the dietary diversity of vulnerable groups in Eastern Uganda. The target of 7,000 with an improved Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) is still on track despiteconstraints with communitymobilization in 2020 due to the pandemic. If the current restrictionsremain in place (gatherings of 200 people or less), this should still be manageable for outreaches. Risks identified was COVID 19. The module proposes; Module Indicator 2 and Indicators D1, D2: Include efforts at regional level in the indicators as well and allow to count activities/strategies identified and implemented at regional level. Output B1: Reduction in target for access to clean seed from 10% to 5%. The figure of 5% is based on the impact of the screenhouses that will provide a combined total of around 400 metric tons (mt) of basic seed per annum by the end of the project, which is sufficient to reach 400 out of 8,000 farmers (5%).
Potatoes, Women farmers