Collaborative Research Programme for Soil Fertility Restoration and Management in Resource-Poor Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
Jurisdiction: | Sus-Saharan Africa | |
Date of acession | 2024-03-20T06:18:33Z | |
Date of availability | 2024-03-20T06:18:33Z | |
Date of issue | 2002 | |
Abstract | This report presents results from experiments and dissemination activi- ties carried out in West and southern Africa over the past 3 years. The activities and results reported are for two to three growing seasons and concern Togo and Niger in West Af- rica and Malawi, Zambia, and Zim- babwe in southern Africa. The objectives were to develop methodologies and practical interven tions for improving the efficiency of organic matter (OM), other soil amendments, and inorganic fertiliz- ers through integrated use. The inte- grated soil fertility management (ISFM) concentrated on a cover crop (mucuna) and on compost and ma- nure in West Africa. In southern Af- rica manure management and the determination of fertilizer equivalency of manure received the most atten- tion. Most of these studies were implemented in partnership with partners/network members. Farmer participatory trials were established as part of the dissemination activities. | |
URL | | |
Language | en | |
Subject | Soil fertility | |
Title | Collaborative Research Programme for Soil Fertility Restoration and Management in Resource-Poor Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa |