An Assessment of Inherent Chemical Properties of Soils for Balanced Fertilizer Recommendations for Cocoa in Ghana
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Sustainable cocoa production in Ghana would require a shift in fertilizer recommendations from general applications to site-specific recommendations of fertilizers that account for initial fertility status and actual nutrient needs of soils on which cocoa is grown. A soil fertility survey was conducted in the major cocoa regions of Ghana covering the major benchmark soils. Two hundred and twenty four plots were sampled and composite surface soils collected and analyzed for selected fertility characteristics. The results show that most of the cocoa soils have low inherent fertility characterized by low C, N and exchange capacity. All the cocoa soils sorb P, which may limit availability of P in the soil solution. The soils generally are acidic, and soils in Western region, especially the Ferralsols, show the most acidic reaction with substantially measurable exchangeable Al. The results suggest that these differential characteristics of the surveyed soils should be considered in formulating balanced site-specific fertilizer for cocoa in Ghana.
Cocoa, Fertilizers, Fertility
Dossa, E.L., Arthur, A., Dogbe, W., Mando, A., Afrifa, A.A., Acquaye, S. (2018). An Assessment of Inherent Chemical Properties of Soils for Balanced Fertilizer Recommendations for Cocoa in Ghana. In: Bationo, A., Ngaradoum, D., Youl, S., Lompo, F., Fening, J. (eds) Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems. Springer, Cham.