Tilapia·Culture in Heated Effluents: Potential for Commercialization in Temperate Climates

Because the Tennessee Valley is located in a temperate c imate, a multiseasonal approach has been developed for culturing the t~opical fiSh tilapia. During the winter (October-March), temperature of condenlser cooling water (CCW) from open-cycle nuclear power plants ranges from 15° to b2o C, and iit is ideally suited for overwintering small fingerlings and selected fbrood stoc~. in raceways. During warmer periods of the year when CCW is too warm f r rae way culture, fingerlings are reared to market size in earthen cooling, ponds or in farm ponds near the power plant site. Hatchery methods have also b~en de eloped for mass production of tilapia and their hybrids. The integrated appro ch of overwintering, hatchery production, and growout will be discussed elat.ive to optimal use of heated effluents.
Tilapia, Overwintering